
General information

Duration: 6 terms
Type of studies: first-cycle programme
Mode of studies: full-time and part-time
Degree awarded: Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics

Who may apply

Dietetic studies are perfect for those interested in healthy nutrition rules, health-related issues, and healthy lifestyles. According to recent research and surveys, a dietician is a job of the future.


  • Diet therapy
  • Mass catering
  • Nutrition prophylaxis
  • Nutrition in sports
  • Psychodietetics
  • Dietetics and nutrition planning

Knowledge, skills and social competences to be developed - download

Career prospects on graduation

Graduates will be able to find a job in diet counselling centres, consumer organisations, State-owned and private healthcare centres, hospitals, sanatoriums, mass caterers, entities producing dietetic foods or foods for sports people, and sports clubs. They will also be qualified to set up their own diet or psychonutrition counselling centre, or restaurant. Graduates will additionally receive a HACCAP Certificate.

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