Social work

General information

Duration: 6 terms
Type of studies: first-cycle programme
Mode of studies: : full-time and part-time
Degree awarded: Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work


  • Social work with elderly and disabled people
  • Social work with the family
  • Sociotherapy and rehabilitation
  • Group therapy
  • Organisation of social assistance
  • Gerontological care

Who may apply

The social work programme is perfect for those who enjoy helping others, feel the need to be helpful, and derive pleasure from providing others with assistance. Candidates are expected to be empathic, compassionate to other people’s dilemmas, kind and understanding, tolerant, patient, selfless, and sensitive. They will also be required to demonstrate a professional approach, combining their willingness to act for the benefit of other people with job-related duties. Candidates displaying modesty and respect, as well as affection for and belief in other people, will find this job fulfilling. The social worker is a job of the future.

Educational outcomes- download

Career prospects on graduation

Graduates can operate not only as social workers in social welfare institutions, care-giving facilities, or family assistance centres, but also as community instructors and carers, street counsellors , instructors in social welfare homes, children’s shelters, regional social policy centres, district family assistance and social welfare centres, educational care facilities, social welfare homes for the elderly and people with intellectual, mental and physical disabilities, organisational units for promoting employment and counteracting unemployment, support centres, facilities for the homeless, alcohol and drug addicts, penal institutions, refugee centres, and non-governmental organisations.

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